Independent Education Evaluations


  • An independent educational evaluation (IEE) is an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child in question. An IEE may be obtained by parents at their own expense or at public expense.
  • An IEE assesses any skills related to a child’s individualized educational needs. Depending on the situation, an IEE may include assessing the child’s skills in the following areas:
    • Cognitive
    • Academic
    • Communication or language
    • Fine motor
    • Social emotional
    • Sensory
    • Behavior

      Wraparound Experts has qualified examiners who are able to conduct IEEs for school-aged individuals at our facility in Ohio City.
Wrap Around Experts


  • Depending on your child’s individualized needs, the following Team members may evaluate your child:
    • School Psychologist
    • Speech-Language Pathologist
    • Occupational Therapist
  • Our examiners also work within schools and/or supervise other Wraparound Experts in the field. We believe this is an incredible asset to our team in that our team members are actively involved in the real settings in which students are participating and therefore have a “beyond the clinic” understanding.